Memories from the colorful "Polyester Pullover Era" of baseball!
Memories from the colorful "Polyester Pullover Era" of baseball!
League by League, Team by team, year by year, database of MLB uniforms from the 1970s...
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Vintage Jerseys & Hats is in the business of collecting memories. We do not believe that the value of a collection is in resale. It is in the memories that it brings up. So, we are here to share these memories through photos, stories, and tweets about all our favorite things. Sure, our main focus is on baseball from the 1970's and 80's (or as we like to call it, the "Polyester Pullover Era"). But, we are not tied to just this one segment. If it is awesome, we want to share it.
A quick note on pricing in the #VJHcollection / Shop: The collection is meant as a gallery for visitors to browse all the cool stuff I collect, but all items technically have listed prices. If the price seems really high, it's probably an item that I don't want to sell. If you are looking to purchase something, click on the "For Sale" button on the top left of the store categories. This is where the more reasonably priced items will be located. And keep checking back: I will be adding more items from the collection daily...
We know that there are a lot of people out there that miss the colorful days of the Polyester Pullover era in sports. Our goal is to bring as much of that feeling to our website and Twitter feed as possible. Some of our favorite hashtags include... #PowderBlue #PolyesterPullover #TequilaSunrise #StripedStirrups #Sansabelt #BullpenFacialHair #PinwheelHat #BellHat #PillboxHat #RacingStripes #BobRoss #Airbrush #SundaySwinginSeventiesLogos #ColorExplosion. And, there's plenty more where these came from. If you have a memory from the era and want us to remember it in a tweet, article, or design, let us know. We might just take you up on it.
You may notice that we are all about the "color explosion." From time to time, one of our followers may think what we like is "awful," "ugly," "terrible," "garish," or some other negative word. That's when you'll see us pull out our favorite response: "You spelled Awesome wrong." There's no such thing as "too bright," "too colorful," or "too busy."
Every MLB teams' uniforms from 1981, ranked from 1-26
Every MLB teams' uniforms from 1973, ranked from 1-24.
Ranking all 7 MLB powder blue uniforms from the pre-Polyester era.
Ranking the best Pinstripe uniforms from the Polyester Pullover era from 1-14.
The top 30 MLB hats from the 1980's.
Ranking every MLB teams' unfiorms from 1976 from 1-24.
Bracket voting on the top 8 Pillbox hats from the NL centennial year, 1976.
Ranking every AAA minor league team's 1979 hats from 1-26.
Ranking the best polyester MLB powder blue uniforms from the 1970's & 80's from 1-20.
Ranking the top 8 best MLB teams' striped stirrups from 1976
In honor of 4th of July, a ranking of the best MLB 4-man pitching rotations from the year of both the NL Centennial and the American Bicentennial
Ranking the best use of the color yellow in MLB uniforms during the 1970's, 1-12.
Ranking the best Uniform years of the 1970's for the Oakland A's
Ranking the best Al "the Mad Hungarian" Hrabosky Topps/Fleer/Donruss cards from 1-17
Ranking the best uniform aesthetics from the fall classics during the #PolyesterPullover era, 1-18.
Ranking the best MLB uniforms from the 1970's that had different color jerseys and pants, 1-25.
Gaylord Perry wore 13 different uniform sets during his 22 years in the MLB. Here they are, ranked 1-13.
Harry Caray was on WGN in the afternoon and Skip Caray was on TBS in the evening. We all watched the Cubs and Braves in the 1970's & 80's, now we rank their uniforms, 1-22.
The top 20 MLB zippered jersey uniforms from the 2nd half of the 20th century.
The best MLB sleeve patches of the 1970's, ranked #1-21
The best MLB uniforms from the most creative year ever, 1978, ranked #1-26.
23 of the 27 MLB teams during the 1970's wore road grey uniforms for at least one season. We rank the best use of grey throughout the decade #1-23.
Uniforms worn by the Frotastic Oscar Gamble during his 17 year career, ranked #1-11.
Ranking the Logos from the 1982 Topps MLB Stickers set, #1-24.
The best uniform of the decade from each of the 27 1970s MLB teams
Rankings uniforms worn by Jay Johnstone during his 20 year MLB career from #1-16.
The best mustaches from 1970s MLB, ranked from #1-20.
The top 22 MLB logos of 1970, ranked #1-22
Every Topps Baseball Card set design from the 1970s and 1980s, ranked from #1-20
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue bringing you memories from the Polyester Pullover era. Your generous donation will help fund our mission to continue bringing smiles to the faces of all sports fans.
" As great as @PolyesterUnis posts are... Mr. Vintage should have 100K followers! ."
"Thanks for your postings. Takes me back to a more innocent time in my life."
" Surely enjoy your uniform posts, very informative . Thanks. "
" We need more of this. All of it ."
"Now more than ever we need vintage jerseys and hats to bring Americans together!"
" If these pictures don't make you smile then you need to regroup and address your unhappiness."
"You can never go wrong with powder blue."
" Great twitter feed. Bringing back lots of memories of my BB collecting days. Thank you "
" Baseball uni's in the 70s put a smile on my face. "
"Your account is a treasure. I love it."
"This is such great history! Like a blast from the past."
"Man I have learned a crazy amount of new stuff from your twitter page. Absolutely love it ."
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